Thursday 13 December 2012

Japanese cheese cake

Simple recipe to make a japanese cheese cake. :)

You would need a 10 cm spring form pan for easy removal of the soft cake.

Wrap the aluminium foil around the pan 3 times. 

Get ready a tray for the pan.

Here's the ingredients you'd need.

Sifted flour and corn flour

Recipe and method adapted by Bjoycefull.
  • 160g of cream cheese
  • 120 ml of milk
  • 25g of unsalted butter
  • pinch of salt
  • 4 eggs (separated
  • 100g of sugar (I cut down to 50 g)
  • 40g of flour
  • 30g of corn flour

  • Line your cake pan with aluminium foil 3 times. Set aside.
  • Sift flour and corn flour in a mixing bowl. Set aside.
  • Using a double boiler method, add in milk, cream cheese and butter. Stir constantly until all are melted.
  • Let it cool for around 10 min.
  • Once it is cool, add in the flour mixture and eggs, mix thoroughly.
  • Whisk egg-whites, add salt and sugar a bit at a time; till stiff peaks.
  • Fold (not mix) cream cheese mixture into egg-white mixture.
  • Pour the batter into spring form pan and pump on the table top for couple of times to remove excess air in the batter.
  • Get a bigger tray and fill with hot water.
  • Place the cake pan in the water bath.
  • Put in the oven setting at 160-170°C for around 40 - 50 min depending on your oven
  • Once baked, let it cool in the oven for about 15 min or so. (To prevent from shrinking and cracking)
Milk, cream cheese and butter.

With double boiler method, stir them constantly till all are melted.

Once cooled, add the flour mixture

and eggs and mix them thoroughly

Beat the egg-whites

Add salt and a bit of sugar at a time

Beat the egg-whites till stiff peaks

You know it's stiff when it doesn't fall when you turn upside down.

Fold (not mix) cream cheese mixture into egg-white mixture.

Get a bigger tray and fill with hot water.

Pump on the table top for couple of times to remove excess air in the batter.

Put the cake pan in the water bath

Enjoy your cheesecake now!

Soft and full of moisture. <3

Have fun! 

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