Thursday 4 September 2014

Bo-Bo Cha-Cha

Yes! Again my first attempt in cooking this dessert.. Homemade is nicer but huh... buy one bowl and eat is faster. LOL.

Recipe and method adapted by Nyonya Cooking.

I doubled up this recipe. :)


  • 140g taro (diced) (I omitted taro)
  • 70g purple sweet potato (diced) 
  • 70g yellow sweet potato (diced) (For this recipe, I used two different kind of potatoes, one from Indo and other one from Aust.)
  • 1 banana (I omitted banana)
  • 40g sago (I didn't measure, just cooked what I needed)
  • 50g boiling water
  • 80g tapioca flour
  • 160g sugar 
  • 250g coconut milk (I used 400g)
  • 3 pandan leaves (aka screwpine leaves)
  • Some salt to taste (Oops! Forgotten about this, lol!)
  • Red and green food colouring
  • Steam the diced taro, purple sweet potato and yellow sweet potato for 20 minutes.
  • Cook sago in a pot of boiling water until translucent. Sieve the cooked sago to remove thick syrup and run them through the tap water to avoid the sago from sticking together.
To prepare the tapioca jelly:
  • Form a dough by adding boiling hot water of 50g (I used about 60g or so) to the tapioca flour. Boiling hot water will helps to create a dough.
  • Divide the dough into two and add colours (red and green) to each of the dough.
  • Roll and flatten the doughs and cut them into your preferred sizes.
  • Boil the pieces of dough until they turn translucent.
  • Once cooked, drain the thick syrup and run them through the tap water to avoid the tapioca jellies from sticking together
To prepare the Bo-Bo Cha-Cha:
  • Add sugar to 250ml of water. (Do not put all sugar at once, adjust accordingly to your preferences
  • Add coconut milk and boil it slowly at low heat.
  • Then add the taro, sweet potatoes, sago, tapioca jelly.
  • Allow the Bo-Bo Cha-Cha to simmer.

This QQ potato's recipe and method is adapted from

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