Sunday 7 September 2014

Oneh Oneh

I love this dessert so much! I absolutely love how the gula melaka gushed its juice in my mouth.*contented* 

This was a failed attempt! It doesn't gush! I have to cautiously (haha, no cautiously la...) and manually bit the gula melaka into pieces and eat together with the kueh. WT-Fish man! Wahahahahaha~ 

Reason behind... I was just being gei-kiang, I'm thinking how that 10g of little dough able to wrap the gula.. and VOILA, died flat this time. The stupid dough so thick. LOL~ 

Good thing that my fatty boy loves it. He helped to clear some. :)

You may refer to Nasi Lemak Lover for this Oneh-oneh recipe.


    Took me about 15-20 min to yield this 100 over grams. It's also depends how efficient you are.

So must take more photos of it. Duh~

Fresh pandan juice


Got 賣相, 沒吃相。-_- I shall be making this again. Damnit~

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