Friday 19 September 2014

Chocolate easter cookies

Erm ya... Easter is over. But I'm picking out the most easiest recipe out of my recent buy of cook book to try it out first ya. HOHOHO:) And shhh... this is my first successful attempt of cookies making. -_-"


  • 125g of butter, softened
  • 100g of icing sugar
  • 90g of plain flour
  • 35g of cornstarch
  • 40g of unsweetened cocoa powder

  • Preheat oven to 180C (mine 170C; know your oven well before you adjust the temp settings)
  • Lightly greased the parchment sheet and put aside
  • Using a electric mixer, beat butter and sugar till fluffy.
  • Add sifted flour, cornstarch and cocoa over the butter mixture and mix to form a dough.
  • Take dough out onto a clean and lightly floured work surface and roll out to 1/8 inch (3mm) thick or to your desired size.
  • Cut out egg-shaped (or your desired shaped) cookies using a cookie cutter. Placed cookies on prepared sheets.
  • Bake for 15 min, or until firm. Transfer to wire racks and let it cool completely.
Notes: If you find it difficult to handle the cookie dough (too soft and can't roll), put them into a fridge and let them slighly harden.

To make chocolate filling:
Melt heavy cream (160ml) and chocolate (190g of semi-sweet plain chocolate morsels- I used chocolate chips) together, keep stirring until smooth. Refrigerate the mixture until firm. 

Sandwich cool cookies together with chocolate filling.

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