Tuesday 23 September 2014

Condensed milk bread

After a long haul from the bread making at year 2012.. I'm back with a soft condensed milk bread. Everything is from scratch and it's easy to make; just with simple ingredients!

Ingredients and recipe adapted from RumblingTummy23 (original recipe from http://cookpad.com/)


  • 200g of bread flour
  • 15g of condensed milk
  • 120g of fresh milk
  • 20g of caster sugar (you may add a little more to your preference level of sweetness)
  • 3g of yeast
  • 3g of salt
  • 20g of unsalted butter, room temperature

For glaze:
  • 20g of condensed milk
  • 20g of unsalted butter, room temperature
~Mix the glaze ingredients till smooth and spreadable.

An egg is required for glazing the bread; before baking.

For ganish:
  • 15g of almond flakes
  • Some icing sugar 

  • Grease a 15cm chiffon tin (I used cupcake liners
  • In a stand mixer with the dough hood attachment, mix all ingredients for bread.
  • Knead for 10 min or until dough is glossy/shiny.
  • Remove from the bowl and form the dough into a ball shape. Put the dough into a greased bowl with cling wrap and let it proof for 30 min; or until it turn double in size.
  • Give a few punches to release the air and roll the dough into rectangle size 12" x 8" long; or to your desired size.
  • Cut the dough into 4 long strips
  • Brush the dough strips with the glaze mixture and stack them together, on top of one another.
  • Then cut into 8 equally size or cube size
  • Assemble them like the picture shown below

 Photo courtesy from Azberry

  • Cling wrap the tin and let it proof for 40 min.
  • Egg wash the bread evenly and sprinkle the almond flakes.
  • Preheat oven at 170C and bake for 25 min.
  • Sprinkle with icing sugar.

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