Tuesday 6 November 2012

Vanilla cupcakes with raspberry buttercream frosting

As what the above picture has shown, I'm making vanilla cupcakes with yummy raspberry frosting today!

Recipe and method adapted by Laura Vitale.

Here's the ingredients:

  • 1/2 cup of granulated sugar (I put 1/2 cup instead of 1 cup)
  • (113g) 1 stick of unsalted butter (room temperature
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 teaspoons of vanilla essence
  • 2 teaspoons of baking powder
  • 1/8 teaspoons of salt
  • 1 1/3 cup of flour
  • 1/3 cup of milk
  • Preheat your oven to 170 Celsius degrees. Line your cupcake tin with liners and set aside first.
  • In a mixing bowl, cream together the sugar and butter. 
  • Add the eggs and vanilla and cream together until you get a smooth mixture. 
  • Add the dry ingredients and with the speed on low mix together and slowly add the milk and just mix everything to combine. DO NOT OVER MIX! Make sure you give everything a good stir with a spatula from the bottom to incorporate any bit that wasn't mixed. 
  • Scoop the batter into your lined cupcake tin, make sure its only filled ¾ of the way up because they will rise. 
  • Bake for 20 minutes and let cool for about 45 minutes before frosting.  

Baking is done!

While waiting for them to cool, let's prepare the raspberry butter cream frosting!


  • 1 Stick of Unsalted Butter, room temperature
  • ½ cup Raspberry Preserves 
  • ½ tsp Vanilla Extract 
  • 1 16oz (450g) Box of Powdered Sugar 
  • Fresh Raspberries, for garnishing
To make the frosting combine together all the frosting ingredients except the fresh raspberries and mix together to combine. Add the frosting in a piping bag fitted with a large star tip and pipe the frosting onto the cupcakes.

Raspberry butter cream frosting

And then you can start decorating your cupcakes!

I'd substituted with colorful strands. :)

Enjoy baking!

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